Thursday, May 29, 2008


Somehow, around 3:30pm my brain shuts down and it's very difficult for me to work and finish up the rest of the day until I leave around 4:30 or 5pm. Sometimes I'll push through it, sometimes I just give in and do something more enjoyable than statistical analysis of data.
Yesterday I had a very strange day, I was feeling tired and frustrated from the moment I got was much better but I know that I should exercise and eat healthier. I hope to God I can get a car when I come back from France.
I still have a persistent nagging feeling that something is not quite right....maybe somewhere something is happening and I don't have a crystal ball to actually see it but I have a connection to it and feel it...I don't know what it is. Maybe I need to do something fun or enjoy least I'll see one of my childhood best friends Naomi and her fiance will be in town and we will go out Saturday night and her wedding shower is the next day. I need to go to Cook's Emporium this weekend to buy her a gift!
I have discovered a great band called Papercranes....(picture above from I've been listening to them a lot during the day while I work and absolutely adore their music. I like the lyrics...."...only you hold you back...", " come change is so hard when you're changing....", "'ve got me to smile...", and "...I'll meet you in the middle of you and me..."
First picture of poppies is from (

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