Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Monday morning Jen and I wanted to take a ferry to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, but after waiting in line for quite a while we realized the wait would be around an hour or more so we decided to walk uptown to Ground Zero and to the Tribute WTC 9/11 Visitor Center which was such an incredible experience.

I didn't know what to expect but thought that I knew everything about the event because of the media and stories that have been circulating for the past several years. In fact, I knew little to nothing of what happened and to the people who were directly affected.

Seeing pieces of clothing and artifacts brought a tactile dimension I could have never imagined...making the whole thing more real of course. I also never realized that all of the emergency workers (i.e. fire fighters) involved in the rescue efforts have died out of lung cancer, leukemia, and other illnesses.

What also touched me in this museum were seeing the event of 9/11 through the eyes of children. We saw a lot of children art projects in the museum containing so many thoughts of love and peace, opposite to the adult views of revenge, war, death. I thought that was interesting. Below I'll share some of these art pieces.

Then we walked to Times Square and other places around Manhattan. It was nice to be there with Jen as she experienced everything about New York City that I have taken for granted by now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved every moment that I spent with you in New York. I think the highlight for me was seeing the Tribute museum and sharing that with you. It brought a more intimate and personal feel to my experience there, kind of made New York into an old friend that I hope to visit one day soon.